Is there one, easy-to-find best place to read Canon EOS 70D reviews?
I've become perhaps too experienced in reading the Canon camera equipment reviews of other photographers. Although that really is just one of the ways I assimilate opinions to help my readers.
I take my own experiences with camera equipment over the years and combine that with the opinions of many other photographers, both pro and amateur, to give you a more rounded review.
I generally follow a three step process with respect to reading reviews on Canon cameras and follow it for other products and accessories too.
1. I start by reading the negative reviews first. Yes, you read that right. I am not one to usually focus on the negative things in life and I hope you aren't either. I've found out that the best way to find out any issues with a camera or accessory is to first get a sampling of the photographers who had disappointments or issues with a piece of equipment.
2. I follow that with the technical reviews by the professional review sites. These are sometimes a little tough to get through, but I like to see how Canon has handled specific issues.
Camera manufactures often upgrade their camera models with newer offerings based on customer feedback. I like to look at the scientific test results with particular attention to those relating to the issues that needed to be addressed.
3. Finally I go to what I call the Granddaddy of review sites, Amazon. I don't always buy from Amazon, but the products that get the highest number of consumer reviews of all sorts and that includes Canon equipment too.
I am a Amazon Prime Member, I do purchase a lot of photography equipment and other products from Amazon, and I sometimes get a little financial "thank you" when I send people there.
In the case of my Canon EOS 70D, I bought that from Adorama.
I won't name any specific names, but there are several web sites that pose a HUGE number of reviews about all kinds of electronic products. These kind of web sites post thousands of articles, written by teams of professional writers, so that they come up high in the search results on Google.
Their pages are crowded with advertisements, some of them have those annoying pop-up ads that ask you to sign up for their newsletters, and their main purpose of posting so much information is to get you to click on their ads so they can make money.
This is more of a tricky subject to handle because there are so many directions you can choose to go when it comes to the best place to buy and Canon EOS 70D. You have to juggle the 3 main considerations people use when buying cameras and accessories.
The first one, the cheapest price is often the number one consideration. It is very important to get a good price, but I refuse to buy from retailers that aren't very highly trusted, have little or no customer service and don't have a great return policy.
When I first started out as a pro photographer, back in the days of film cameras, I took chances and purchased used camera equipment on eBay. I got burnt a few times and I have zero interest in dealing with those type of situations anymore.
Ebay is definitely not even close to the best place to read reviews on the Canon EOS 70D, although it is a decent place to get a used 70D if you are very careful when choosing the right seller with a great reputation.
So the quick answer is that Amazon is the best place to read Canon EOS 70D reviews. It isn't the only place to read reviews and it's not always the best place to buy. If you have the time to read other sources, I like bhphotovideo, Adorama, and to read reviews.
If want to go the quickest route, you can read the reviews on the Canon 70D on Amazon and purchase while you are there.
Have a blast. Shoot a Canon!
Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.
View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram and Flickr. Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.
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