Are you researching the Canon 6D vs 5D Mark III comparison?
It is easy to compare Canon 6D vs 5D MIII cameras based on price and specifications alone. After all, comparing numbers is something our brains do quite well.
The biggest difference that jumps out immediately is the cost difference. At the time of this writing, you would have an extra $1500 left over in your bank account if you bought the Canon 6D instead of the Canon 5D Mark III.
That could buy you one of the most popular lenses, the Canon 24-105 Lens to go along with your camera and still have enough for filters and a tripod.
What about the other differences? Is this a significant difference in image quality achieved between the two cameras' sensors?
If you shoot high-speed sports or other intense action photos, the shutter lag and maximum frames may be important to you. I don't. As I mentioned in the Canon EOS 6D review those particular camera specs are not as important to me.
I love the benefits of having two memory cards in my Mark III, a CF and an SD for the extra storage. You can even write on both cards at the same time as insurance in case of one card's failure.
The 6D and 5D Mark III comparison is interesting because, at first glance, the two cameras have very similar specs. It is useful to look at the best features of each camera as the deciding factors when choosing between the two of them. Clearly, if you look at current prices, the 6D jumps out as the better choice for most Cano shooters because of the value of what you get based on the price.
Both the 6D and 5D Mark II will give you great photos. The 6D is really a great entrance-level price range for a full-frame Canon DSLR. I justified the extra expense of the 5D Mark III because I make a living shooting photos.
For you, the 6D might make a lot more sense because you could afford quite a few extra gadgets with the money you save by choosing the 6D instead of the 5D mark III.
Both of these cameras have a well functioning HDR (High Dynamic Range) setting. They both have a silent shooting mode. You've seen the comparison of the specs in the lists above.
About 10 years ago, the full frame Canon 1Ds cost $8,000.00 and had an 11 megapixel sensor.That puts into perspective how remarkable the Canon 6D vs 5D Mark III comparison is now.
You can also get some good insight on both of theses cameras by reading reviews from other buyers who have purchased them. Amazon is a good site to explore because of how many of these cameras and accessories they sell.
Here are the links:
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Shoot your Canon. Have a blast.
Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.
View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram and Flickr. Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.
Feb 26, 25 05:23 PM
Feb 20, 25 06:32 AM
Feb 19, 25 06:47 AM
Feb 17, 25 01:03 PM
Feb 17, 25 12:52 PM
The 6D has been called the full-sized-sensor version of the Canon EOS 60D. It has a very similar size and layout.