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Upgrading a Canon 80D
To a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Full Frame Digital SLR

by Sandy
(Vero Beach Florida)

Time To Upgrade Your 80D

Time To Upgrade Your 80D

Hi Bruce,

I am wanting to purchase :
Canon EOS 5DS DSLR Camera Body {50MP}. Why are some 50mp, and 20mp ... what does this mean? Is it still a full frame and the pixels are increased or the processing faster? I currently have a Canon 80D,but now I'm looking to upgrade.

Thanks so much,
Sandy Shinn

Hi Sandy!
Thanks for asking about the EOS 5Ds or possibly the 5D Mark IV (mentioned in your title) as a replacement for your 80D. I'll do my best to steer you in the right direction. Canon gives you lots of options, so it can get confusing, especially when comparing sensor size, megapixel count, newer and older DSLRs, and now mirrorless too!

Released in 2015, the 5Ds is considered by some to be somewhat an outdated model. Others don't mind. Heck I still use my 5D Mark III (2012) for shooting portraits professionally, but really like the newer FULL FRAME EOS R. It really depends on exactly what you want to photograph and how serious you are about your equipment. There are photographers out there who are perfectly happy with using a smartphone as their camera.

Replacement Factors

1. Your budget. how much you are willing to invest in a replacement.
2. Your existing lenses. Are you happy with what you have? Full frame (EF) or APS-C crop (EF-S) lenses?
3. Mirrorless. Would you consider going to this newer technology that is now dominating the market?
4. New or used. New is more exciting. Used is more economical.
5. Reason. The main reason you want to upgrade from your 80D.
6. Subjects. The type of photography you shoot will be a big factor in choosing a replacement for your Canon 90D.

In the meantime, I recommend you fill out the form on my one-on-one camera advisor page. One on One Camera Advice


Replacing/Upgrading a Canon 80D
80D and 77D Comparison
Replacing to a 5D Mark IV


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To a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Full Frame Digital SLR

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regarding upgrade
by: Sandy

Stephen, I can only imagine the beautiful photos with your 600 lens! I do have a canon 70-200 and I love it. Why do you think I should look for a used 5D mark IV? I worry about used equipment, but I appreciate your recommendations. Do you know if my EF lens will work with the 5D? Also, what is the difference between a Mark IV regarding 30 mp- or 20 mp. Or is it obvious? Thank

Canon 5D iv
by: StephenBP

I am very luck to own a 5D iv and an R5.
I tend to use my 5D iv with my 24-70 Len’s as my every day camera and for landscapes, although I get stunning nature pics with my 600mm lens and 1.4x extender

Whilst I have a converter for my non R lenses I use the 100-500mm R most of the time for nature shots with my R5

I believe that for pure quality I get the best results from the 5D iv.
With the R5 I am convinced that I get better results with the mechanical shutter than I do with the electronic shutter (others may disagree)

so, purely from my opinion, in your position I would look at a good quality, second hand, 5D iv

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Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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