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by maricor
i recently bought a canon 40mm stm pancake lens because of the excellent reviews. However, when I finally used mine, it was not as sharp and excellent as the others say it is. My nifty fifty gives better pictures. What am I doing wrong? Are there any specific settings for this lens? my body is a t2i and I shot mostly indoors with incandescent lighting..
Thanks for your question about the 40mm pancake lens for Canon cameras.
The best way to compare sharpness is to shoot a scene exactly the same way (same lighting, same camera, same settings) using the two different lenses. I'd recommend using a tripod and cable release or the self timer to eliminate the possibility of any Un-sharpness from camera shake.
Sharpness is a function of focus, camera movement, subject movement, focal length and shutter speed (in addition to the different lenses used).
It is possible that you lost some sharpness from low light conditions and a slower shutter speed. I have no way of knowing without more information.
Also realize that some cameras-lens combinations align better than others. The best sharpness can be obtained when you can calibrate the two together.
Despite the ardent efforts of lens makers everywhere, there can occasionally also be variations in the manufacturing of any given lens design.
Hope that helps.
Good luck,
Pancake Lens
Canon Lenses
Comments for Canon 40mm STM Not Sharp
Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.
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