For the updated review of the real Canon Rebel t4i visit this page and for the comparison with one of Canon;s all-time favorite DSLR cameras, see the t3i vs. 4ti side by side comparison.
Are you considering a Canon 4ti? The correct spelling is actually T4i
One of the coolest features with the Canon T4i takes a little time to get used to but is really cool. It's the new touch screen. If you are like a lot of other people, it takes a little time to get used to the change from the dials and buttons to a touch screen.
Early on, adjusting your settings on Canon cameras was sometimes a bit cumbersome. Not any more, my friends. It's a similar change from cell phones with a keypad to the now-taking-over touch-screen cell phones.
Just like any new way to do something may seem uncomfortable at first, this change is an improvement.
Changing the ISO was a bit cumbersome on earlier models. Not so anymore. Now it's much faster! Here are some of the more unique and unusual features:
Handheld Night Scene. The camera takes 4 fast shots and through modern, miraculous, digic 5 processing combines the images to creat a photograph with less noise and blur.
HDR Backlight Control. This High-Dynamic-Range setting takes 3 photos at the same time and through modern miraculous digic 5 processing improves the details in the highlights and shadows. The best part is that they final image does not look like those over-manipulated, surreal photographs you see too often with HDR photography.
Silent and Continuous Autofocus in Video. Silent focus is important if you are relying on the built-in microphone. The STM lenses are designed to be quiet.
If you are using a remote microphone or are editing the sound track later with music or voice-over, noise isn't an issue.
The Canon t4i just feels great in your hands. The Grip is just perfect.
Just like the Canon 5d Mark iii has a noticeable difference from the Mark ii, the t4i buttons and adjustment wheel feel sturdier and you are less likely to change a setting by accident.
The Canon t3i was not a big upgrade over the t2i, but the 4ti is a big upgrade over the t3i. The t4i beats Canon's previous rebel cameras in terms of noise reduction, focusing performance and overall quality.
With the Canon T3i in live mode, you had a little triangle move around the LCD screen to check the focus point. The new Canon 4ti is built so that you can just touch the live screen anywhere to instantly set the point of focus.
The Live Mode seems to be quicker and more responsive on the t4i.
The 4ti is a Canon EOS Rebel digital camera packed with useful design features.
It's certainly a great choice for those who want to reward themselves with a DSLR. Just be sure to use the correct spelling; it's really the Canon T4i (650D).
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Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.
View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram and Flickr. Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.
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