Canon BG-E9 Battery Grip
(An accessory for the Canon 60D)

So, You're considering the Canon BG-E9 battery grip for your 60D.  Battery grips like the BG-E9 are one of the more interesting camera accessories to consider for some photographers. After all, they won't affect your composition skills, improve your exposure techniques, or make you a better photographer.

This post will look at the benefits you may have missed when you first thought about getting a battery grip for your EOS 60D. It also includes this compatibility table for all the Canon cameras and their associated battery grips/

Canon BG-E9 Battery GripDouble Battery Door is Convenient

The question then comes up what kind of photographers use battery grips. They're not just for wedding and event photographers who need enough battery power to shoot thousands of photos in a single photo shoot.

who the BG-E9 is Good For

Who should consider buying one these gadgets for their Canon camera?

  1. Professional shooters who do schools, sports and day-long assignments.
  2. Camera geeks who love to own and use the best equipment available.
  3. Business owners who need the reduction in taxes from purchasing deductible camera equipment. (Okay just having a little fun here.)
  4. Photographers who shoot mostly "portrait" orientation (vertical composition) instead of "landscape" (horizontal composition)
  5. Shooters who want more of a balanced feel in the weight distribution of their equipment, primarily when using longer, heavier lenses on their camera bodies.
Diagonal View of Canon BG-E9 Battery Grip
Top View of Canon BG-E9 Battery Grip
Canon BGM-E9L Battery Magazine
Top Diagonal View of Canon BG-E9 Battery Grip

The Canon BG-9 camera grip has two magazine options that insert into the grip from the side.

The BGM-E9L magazine fits one or two LP-E6, the same batteries that power the Canon 5D, 7D, 5D Mark II and 5D Mark III. The BGM-E9A battery magazine takes 6 AA batteries.

If you are considering buying a battery grip for you Canon EOS 60D made by a third party like Zeikos, you can save some money.  The following video may be quite helpful.  It really shows the BG-E9 up close, from its un-packing through installation and actual use.

The videographer does a real thorough job, giving his opinion about how the Canon version differs from a Zeikos.

The Canon BG-E9 works only with the Canon 60D. The 60D was initially a curious addition to the line of Canon cameras, as it was not really much of an upgrade from the 50D. As it turns out the 60D became quite popular with Canon shooters. As it turns out, it was a smart decision by Canon because customer reviews are very popular for the 60D.

The controls were simplified and some features removed by Canon in an attempt to broaden its appeal to less expert photographers and offer a slight price reduction.  Metal was replaced by plastic and the joystick was removed.

Canon added a tilt/swivel LCD and used the same sensor included with the Canon 7D.

A Canon Battery Grip is an interesting consideration when looking at accessories and the BG-E9 battery grip is no exception.  Another piece of equipment you might consider looking at is a good Canon Speedlite.

how the bg-e9 battery grip works

Once attached to your EOS 60D, the vertical controls are in the top right corner when the your camera is turned to a vertical "portrait" orientation.

Canon BG-E9 Grip in Vertical PositionCamera settings are easily adjusted in vertical position

Sliding a simple on-off switch on the grip is all you need to do to give your camera access to double your shooting capacity with the 2  LP-E6 batteries.

added benefit of using this Battery Grip

Canon EG-9 Box

If you are a pro photographer and selling your photographic services, people will take you more seriously as a photographer when you are using a grip like the BG-E9.

It's happened to me many times at w a variety of events. When your equipment looks more professional you automatically look more professional and gain the respect of others.

If you were to show up to a photo job with a point and shoot camera, what kind of impression would you make? I think you'd agree that your 60D with a BG-E9 grip attached is more impressive than your 60D without one.


You can also save money and buy a fully functional compatible battery grip that's made by what's called a third party manufacturer.

Sometimes the grips have less features and sometimes the grips are made of lesser quality materials.

If you're considering buying a 3rd party battery grip for your 60D your best bet is to read the reviews of consumers who have already purchased and used the grip you are considering.

Amazon is the best place to read the reviews. 

CANON cameras and THEIR grips

canon battery grip tableCanon Cameras And Their Associated Battery Grips

Have a blast. Keep shoot your Canon!

Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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