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Canon EOS Vs PowerShot Camera Choice

by Nancy
(Oley, PA)

My 19 y/o grandson, an intermediate photographer, could use a good camera for his birthday. He’s mentioned the Canon EOS and PowerShot. I need help selecting the right one.
Can you direct me?

Hi Nancy!

Thanks for your question about which is a better camera system, the Canon EOS line of cameras or the Canon PowerShot cameras. It's a tough question because Canon has so many different models within those two groups, and because they overlap each other in terms of quality and prices.

Canon EOS Vs Canon Powershot Comparison

The EOS line of Canon cameras is extensive (Canon Cameras) has interchangeable lenses in both DSLR and mirrorless versions.

The Powershot cameras, in general, are smaller, lighter, and cheaper to buy, but you're limited to the zoom range on the permanently mounted lens. I don't like the Powershot "Bridge" cameras at all because of their small sensors. If size is a really big deal, I love the Powershot G1X Mark III (I have the G1X Mark II) if you can afford the bigger price tag. It's got a nice big sensor for great image quality.

Canon G1X Mark III
Canon Powershot G1X Mark III Camera

If your grandson may become serious about his photography in the future, then the EOS cameras with interchangeable lenses are a better choice. I love my Canon EOS 90D. The lenses will be cheaper for the 90D than the lenses you'd need for a full frame Canon.

Canon EOS 90D
Canon EOS 90D Camera

If your grandson has mentioned Canon EOS mirrorless cameras, stay away from the "M" series of cameras and get one of the "R" series of EOS mirrorless. I'm real happy with my Canon EOS R and the image quality is amazing. It's a large full frame sensor camera, but with a relatively very affordable price tag for a camera with such a large image sensor. New RF lenses for the Canon R mirrorless camera are pricey.

Nancy, I hope that helps you some. It's challenging because there are so many choices in the Canon EOS and Powershot lines of cameras. I included the links below to those cameras on Amazon so that you can see the prices.

Feel free to email me directly if you have any other questions.

Canon G1X Mark III Price on Amazon
Canon EOS 90D Price on Amazon
Canon EOS R Price on Amazon

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CANON EOS 2000 DC Vs. 4000D
by: Anonymous

Good day
I am looking at a Canon EOS 2000D DC - is this good enough just to start off. Not professionally but just normal family photos, sport photos, etc. Or what about Canon 4000D 18MP DSLR Twin Lens Bundle. I cannot afford to go over R10000.

Both are adequate Canon DSLRs for beginners just entering the world of interchangeable lens cameras.

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Author Bruce Lovelace
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Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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