Canon G1X Mark II Sample Images

Here are the Canon G1X Mark II sample images that go along with the review of the Mark II camera.  I only had a few days to play with my new Mark II before I set out on a land and sea photo adventure in Alaska.

Airplane wing"Airplane Wing"
G1x Mark II Sample #1

The first still image taken with the G1X Mark II from my photo excursion to Alaska.  I wore the camera on a very small belt bag while on the plane during all 5 flights to get to our various destinations.

This image was taken with camera set at ISO 500, f/9 at 1/640 second.  I was very pleased with the sharpness and color saturation in the jpg straight out of the camera.

Also surprisingly enough, despite shooting through the airplane window, there were no significantly distracting reflections and I did absolutely no retouching to this photograph.

Nature photo"Hiking in Alaska"
G1X Mark II Sample #2

Near the University of Alaska - Fairbanks, our first morning in Alaska involved a 3 mile hike from our cabin.  It was chilly and cloudy, a good situation to test the G1X at a higher ISO setting.  Taken at ISO 640, f/6.3 at 1/125 second.  

The lighting was a bit too flat but the Digic 6 processor did a good job with accurate color reproduction.

More Canon G1X Mark II Sample Images

Reflection Pond, Denali National Park"Reflection Pond"
G1X Mark II Sample #3

We were so lucky to be able to see Mt. McKinley, known locally as "The Mountain" during our bus drive into Denali, during our brief stay at the Kantishna RoadHouse, and on our journey leaving the park.  G1X Mark II settings: ISO 160 at f/7.1 for 1/400th second.

For the large majority of the photos take with the G1X, I used the EVF, Electronic Viewfinder.  I've never been a fan of  having to hold the camera out, away from my eyes and composing my photos using an LCD screen.

Photo of Banana SlugSample #4 Banana Slug

We did some serious bushwhacking into the Tongass National Forest, the largest rain forest in the United States. This image of a banana slug was not done in macro mode, but the Mark II did a good job of keeping it sharp.  

The camera settings were ISO 800 at f/8 for 1/40 second.  Exposure was right on for the subject matter, although you can see that the light colored  skin on my wife's thumb was over-exposed.

Lillies and Ferns - Tongass National Forest"Lilies and Ferns"
Canon g1X Mark II ISO 800 F/5/6 for 1/500 second

Glacier Bay Alaska reflection"Glacier Bay Reflection"
G1X Mark II Sample #6

Glacier Bay. Canon G1X Mark II set at ISO 200 at f/8 for 1/1000 second. After our land tour of the interior, we cruised Southeast Alaska for a week in a small ship.  I was very happy with the color saturation levels with the G1X Mark II.

I narrowed down to these Canon g1x Mark II images from several hundred that I took with my new camera. It was very easy to carry and use under a variety of changing weather conditions in southeast Alaska.

G1X Mark II Photos update

My son took my G1X Mark II with him on a trip to New Zealand because of its compact size, large sensor, and its ability to shoot Raw. Although I was glad to lend it to him, I was glad to get it back. Here are two more photos taken with the Powershot G1X Mark II.

Sunrise Silhouette PhotosSalem Sunrise Silhouette
1/1250 second, f/4.5 ISO 320

Although it looks like a sunset, the silhouette photo above was taken at sunrise. I used the exposure compensation override and set it on minus 1.3 stops to darken the sky and get the full silhouette.

Interestingly enough, the next photo was take about 3 minutes later. Yes, while the sun was rising in the east a full moon was sinking in the west.

Salem NJ MoonSalem Moon
f/4.5 1/320 second at ISO 320

With the photo of the moon I had to wait patiently as it got close enough to the horizon to compose the shot with the marsh grass and trees included in the composition. The sun finally splashed some light onto the grass in the foreground and I made the exposure.

In the photo below, I shot the photo in RAW mode on the G1X Mark II and did some fancy editing in Photoshop to come up with the "Purple Passion."

G1X Mark II Flower photo"Purple Passion"
G1X Mark II Macro Photography Sample

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Have a blast. Shoot a Canon!

Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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