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Canon Rebel Types
Canon "SL" versus Canon "t" Cameras

by Ron
(Mt Vernon)

Canon Rebel SL1

Canon Rebel SL1

What are the differences between the Rebel t series and the Rebel LS series?

Hi Ron,

Thanks for asking about the different types of Canon Rebel cameras. I'm guessing it was just a typo and you're asking about The Canon Rebel SL1, SL2, and SL3 Cameras compared to the long line of Canon Rebel "t" cameras, like the recently released Canon t7, t7i, and t8i cameras.

The Canon Rebel SL cameras

The best way to differentiate the Rebel SL cameras is to remember Small and Light. Although my research came up empty on the actual reason Canon name these rebels as SL, I'm going with Small and Light. The SL1 caused quite a stir in the DSLR camera world, being billed as the smallest DSLR in the world.

As Canon likes to do, they wanted to keep marketing improved versions of their cameras and they made some significant upgrades (the sensor) when they came out with the 2nd generation of small and light DSLRs with the upgrade of the SL1 to the SL2.

Although not as much of upgrade over the SL2, as the first from the SL1 to the SL2, the SL3 is the best "World's Smallest DSLR" of the 3 that Canon has made. All three of the Rebel SL cameras pack a ton off technology into a traditional DSLR body.

These cameras were all in response to the increasing popularity of the smaller camera bodies of mirrorless cameras. There are enough photographers who still want a traditional digital SLR camera, but like the idea of a compact version to make Canon's Rebel SL cameras a success. Personally, I like the bigger grips of the APS-C and full frame Canons, but that's just my own preference.

The Canon Rebel "t" Cameras

The Canon Rebel t series of cameras has been around a lot longer than the Rebel SL cameras, with the Rebel Xt being first announced in 2005. The first Rebel SL camera, the SL1, was announced in 2013, with the SL2 following in 2017, and the SL3 in 2019.

The Canon rebel t series and the Rebel SL series of camera have similar end users as targets. There are currently just 3 SL models with the Canon Rebel SL4 rumored to be released in the summer of 2021. Counting all the Rebel "t" Canons over the years, there are likely at least a dozen of them, but the early ones have seriously outdated technology.

They all use the APS-C sized sensors and will take both Canon EF and EF-S lenses, and both Rebel camera types will take a large variety of Canon Rebel Accessories.

Rebel t8i Vs Rebel SL3

Here's a table below comparing the most recent Rebel t and SL cameras, the Rebel t8i versus the Rebel SL3:

Canon Speedlite 270EX
Canon Rebel SL3
Release Date April 2020 May 2019
Sensor Resolution 24 MP 24 MP
Frame Rate 7 Frames Per Second 5 Frames Per Second
Focusing Points 143 Dual Pixel 9 Dual Pixel
Weight 18.2 Ounces 15.8 Ounces
Price About $900 About $550

The Canon Rebel t8i is a much better camera than the SL3 in terms of performance. Once you add a lens, the savings in weight of the SL3 versus the t8i is minimal, only a few ounces.

The Rebel SL3 is the winner if finances are the biggest factor in your comparison of these two cameras. If you are on a tight budget, and the extra focusing and video capabilities are not that important to you, the SL3 is the better choice.

I hope you found this post helpful. Please comment if you have any other questions about the t and SL cameras in Canon's Rebel line.


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Canon "SL" versus Canon "t" Cameras

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T8i vs SL-3
by: Ron

As a new GrandPa (14 years ago!) I got a new camera, Rebel Tx (Xt) with two FE (EF) lens. Now it's time for remote shooting via WiFi or Bluetooth. (Which is better? Am having some luck with G7x Mk2.)

What distinguishes FE from FE-S lens? Do lens wear out, or is the old 75-300 mm still good? [EF and EF-S lenses]

Lots of videos on mirrorless vs mirror cameras. Less than 100 grams difference in weight, insignificant for what I do. Can either take shots from a motion-detector? We have nocturnal racoons.

SL seems to have many more focus spots: is this for doing more video? Am hoping to shoot eagles in flight, and other things at distances."

Ron, I still have a Rebel Xt (released in 2005) which I still have for the kids in my photography workshops to use (when Covid goes away). I'll add my thoughts on the Rebel t8i versus SL3 in the original post. For now, watch my short video covering Ef versus EF-S on my Youtube channel.

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Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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