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Nikon or Sony Lens For Canon DSLR

by Brandan
(Prince George Canada )

Canon DSLR

Canon DSLR

Would my Canon DSLR work with Sony or Nikon lenses?

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your question about using a Sony or Nikon lens on a Canon DSLR. The quick answer to the best of my knowledge, without an extensive search, is yes for Nikon and no for Sony.

You will need a Nikon to Canon lens adapter to do that. There are plenty of options available from different brands.


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Using non standard lenses.
by: StephenBp

I have ‘borrowed’ this from Photography Life
Consequences of Using an Adapter

If you do decide to get an adapter and try using Nikon lenses on a Canon DSLR, then here are some things you need to be aware of:

Autofocus will not work.
Vibration Reduction (VR) and automatic Aperture control will not work.
Manual focus can be tricky when there is not enough ambient light. You might need to open up the aperture, acquire focus and then stop the lens down to a desired aperture.
Unless you buy a chipped adapter, there will be no focus confirmation either.
Unless you buy a chipped programmable adapter, there will be no lens-relevant EXIF information either.
Metering will work, but it might be a little off in some cases.
If you do not want to constantly swap the adapter between lenses, it might be best to get an adapter for each lens, which can get costly.
It is best to use lenses with aperture rings.
When using "G" type Nikkor lenses, it is impossible to pick a certain aperture except for maximum and minimum. The lever does not have a clear indication of a specific aperture, so you will often have to guess what it is based on the camera meter.
You might need to trim or remove the weather sealing rubber gasket on your "G" lens for the adapter to function smoothly.
As you can see, mounting a Nikon lens on Canon body is not be a good idea for most people out there.

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Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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