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Program shift on the Canon EOS M5

by Terry
(Birmingham, UK)

Canon EOS M5

Canon EOS M5

"Hiya Bruce,
Me again! Do you know how to get program shift on the Canon EOS M5? There's nothing about it in the manual!

Hi Terry,

Thanks for sending in your question about the Canon M5. For the benefit of the readers here is what Program Shift refers to.

What is Program Shift

Program Shift is also frequently referred to as "Flexible Program". it's really an advanced semi-automatic exposure mode.

Look for the letter P on your camera mode dial. That gets you into program mode. In this mode cameras adjust both the shutter speed and your camera's lens opening to give you the best properly exposed image. You can then manually make an adjustment to one of your camera settings. For instance, you could manually turn your flash on with your M5, if you wanted to create a certain effect, or if you didn't like the natural lighting that was in your scene.

Program Shift is an advanced semi-automatic mode, unlike Automatic mode where you give up all control, you can tweak one of the settings and control color, or shutter speed or even depth of field by changing the setting manually. The Canon M5 will automatically adjust the camera if needed to ensure you still get the correct exposure. You just have to pay attention to what settings the M5 makes in response to your manually made change.

There is no specific need to "enable" the program shift that I know of; just manually adjust the specific setting you want to override.

Good Luck

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There is no specific need to "enable" the program shift that I know of; just manually adjust the specific setting you want to override.

Program Shift On The Canon Mirrorless M5
by: Anonymous

Your explanation of program shift is good, however the person asked how to ENABLE it and providing an explanation of 'How to' would still be much appreciated.

There is no specific need to "enable" the program shift that I know of; just manually adjust the specific setting you want to override.

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Author Bruce Lovelace
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Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

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