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Upgrading From The Canon 100-400
Version I Zoom Lens to Version II

by John
(Cape coral, FL)

Canon 100-400mm With 90D

Canon 100-400mm With 90D

"I own the original Canon 100-400 4.5-5.6 L Lens but I am having focusing problems with that attached to my new Canon 90D camera.

Can my original 100-400 zoom (mentioned above) be modified or upgraded to the newest version of that lens and if so much would it cost?"

Hi John

You cannot modify the Canon 100-400mm IS L to convert it to a Canon-400mm IS L II. You can see by the diagram below, comparing the version I that you have and the more recently released version II, that they have a completely different set of lens elements, arranged in a totally different design.

Canon 100-400mm I vs. II Diagram Comparison

The focusing mechanism is different as well. The Canon EF 100-400 IS L was first released in 1998. The Canon EF IS L II was released in 2014. The version I uses a different zooming system. A telescoping design means that as you zoom from shorter to longer focal lengths the lens sucks in air.

Canon 100-400mm IS L and 90D Focusing Issue

Sorry to hear that you are having focusing issues with your 100-400 version I. It is likely not the fault of your 90D. I wonder if you can you test your lens with another Canon body to see if the focusing issue goes away or persists. I'd love to hear back from you on this.

Unfortunately, an upgrade of your version I would mean investing the significant amount of money to get the newer Canon EF 100-400mm IS L II.

Best Regards,

Canon 100-400 II Uses
Canon 100-400 Image Stabilization

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Version I Zoom Lens to Version II

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Also have concerns Mk 1
by: Jeff

I just upgraded from 40D to a 90D for increased resolution. My favored 100-400 mm Mk1 lens has been great for my action photo needs. Yet on the 90D, the images are not sharp enough. I had a pro assist with settings. I am shooting single focus point. Seems like a compatibility issue.

I have seen many forum posts on this issue, without a true explanation of the cause or suggested solution. Debating now about replacing either the body or the lens. Any further insights are appreciated.

100-400 mk 1 v mk 2
by: Stephen BP

I owned the Mk 1 for about 5 years. I absolutely hated it and hardly ever used it. The trombone style zoom was a total pain. I was lucky enough to trade it in for a good price when the mk 2 came out.
The mk 2 is my absolute favourite lens and I use it more than any other lens.
If you can afford to upgrade, do it!!

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Author Bruce Lovelace
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Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

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