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What (Canon) Camera Should I Buy

by David Mason

Buy a Used Canon?

Buy a Used Canon?

"My budget won't really allow me to buy a full frame camera upgrade. What is the best crop sensor canon camera for landscape photography, please?
Many thanks,
David Mason"

Hello David,

Congrats on wanting to upgrade to a another Canon camera-at least I think you want a Canon since you asked the question on the Canon Geek website. ;-)

Which Budget Canon Is The Best Value

There are so many directions you can go in here, it's tough to give you a quick answer. I recommend you answer just a few questions and I can give you more guidance on what camera would work in your budget and satisfy your photographic needs as well.

There are many factors that will influence your decisions. Whether you'd consider buying used or want new, what lenses you already have, and the type of photography or video you want to shoot. All are a big part of getting a good match for you.

New or Used Camera

I run another website on digital photography gear and there is a simple questionnaire that will help us find the best Canon (or other brand) camera for YOU. Here's the questionnaire: One on One Camera Advice.

Best Canon Crop Camera For Shooting Landscapes

David, based on your answers to the one-on-one camera advisor questionnaire, I've got 4 potential Canon DSLR crop cameras for shooting landscapes (and other photos).

You listed the follow features as must-have for your Canon upgrade:
1. Optical viewfinder,
2. Interchangeable Lenses,
3. Shoots RAW files,
4. Has to have Wifi

My top pick for you as a solid choice is the Canon 90D.

Canon 90D

It has all of your requirements, but more importantly, it has a 32.5 megapixel sensor that will capture the finest of details in your landscape images. Secondly, if you happen to run across any wildlife during your landscape photography excursions, you can capture them in action at 11 frames per second.

Buy The Canon 90D Camera
32.5 MP For Great Landscape Detail

The 90D also has remarkable video capabilities if you ever want to do some video of landscapes. I chose the 90D as an upgrade from my 70D and I am very happy with the camera.

Canon t7i

This is the bargain option for a Canon landscape camera. Although it's a bit older (released in early 2017), you can still get one new and leaves you a lot of extra money below your budget to go toward a good landscape lens or other gear.

Canon t7i
Canon t7i

As Canon puts it: "T7i, Wi-Fi connectivity has been ramped up, and it’s easier than ever to utilize your smartphone or tablet and share your camera’s images."

Canon t8i

Very similar to the Canon t7i, it's just a more modern version of the popular Rebel series with 4k video capabilities and a higher price tag. The t8i has the same size 24 MP sensor to capture good detail with your landscape photography.

Canon t8i
Canon t8i
The t8i has a updated image processor and shoots 1 frame per second faster. If you buy the t8i you'll still come in below budget for shooting nature photos, landscapes, travel photos, holidays, and macro.

Canon 6D Mark II

Although you request avoiding buying a full frame Canon camera because of your desire to keep the cost down, the 6D Mark II fits in the $1000-2000 you selected in the survey.

Canon 6D M2 Landscape Camera
Canon 6D Mark II

Also released in 2017, this gives you the advantage of larger individual pixels which will reduce noise in any nighttime landscapes or nighttime sky photography. At the time of this post, Canon 6D Mark II cameras are selling for around $1300.

David, I don't know what lenses you have and that might affect your choice for your Canon upgrade. All readers of the blog can check the prices and read the reviews anytime on Amazon: CHECK PRICES. As an Amazon affiliate Canon Camera Geek receives a small commission from qualifying purchases, at NO added cost to you.

Additional, I'd recommend you check out these posts too. They will give you some helpful tips and give you ideas on what preferences you'll want.

RELATED Posts On Choosing Your Next Camera

How to Buy a Camera
Best Time To Buy a Camera
Buying a Used Camera

I look forward to getting your answers on the questionnaire and helping you pick the next Canon camera to buy-UPDATED - SEE ABOVE PICKS

p.s. Feel free to comment on this post once you make your choice. It will help the other readers of this Canon blog. We all can learn from each other.

From David on his choice on which Canon camera to upgrade to for shooting landscapes: "I narrowed my choice down to 2. Like you the 90d and 6d Mark11 were in my thoughts but in the end I decided on the 6d. Delivery is expected within 5 days and I have chosen a 16-35mm F4L lens to go with it. Combined it was over budget but I enjoy landscape photography and now I am fully retired I will be making good use of it. We are just about to enter Autumn here 9in the UK) so looking forward to those misty morning shots and turning leaves."

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Author Bruce Lovelace
Bruce Lovelace Signature

Bruce Lovelace is the publisher of Canon Camera Geek. Read more about him on the About Page. He also publishes how to articles and camera gear reviews at the Photography Tips website.

View some of Bruce's photos on Instagram  and Flickr  Join the tribe of followers on YouTube. Bruce also runs photo workshops and provides 1 on 1 digital photography coaching.

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